Stock Rom For Redmi K20 And K20 Pro Letest Fastboot Flashfile

Stock Rom For Redmi K20 And K20 Pro

The new “flagship killer” by Redmi, K20 Pro and its ‘lite’ version have been released earlier this week.
Here you can read how to unbrick redmi k20 and how to unbrick redmi k20 pro using stock fastboot firmware flashfile wich is stock rom for redmi k20 and redmi k20 pro.

Redmi K20 series has started with two, the most-powerful flagship Redmi K20 Pro (codename: raphael) powered by Snapdragon 855, and the ligher version with Snapdragon 730 (codename: davinci)

We, at Xiaomi Firmware Updater, was able to get the first official MIUI package for Mi 9 and Mi 9 SE, although it’s not available on MIUI China website yet!

Both Redmi K20 and K20 Pro are running MIUI version V10.3.6.0 based on Android Pie.

Download Official Flashfiles For Redmi K20 and K20 Pro

  1. Download Redmi K20 Official MIUI V10.3.6.0.PFJCNXM: Recovery - Fastboot
  2. Download Redmi K20 Pro Official MIUI V10.3.6.0.PFKCNXM: Fastboot
After Download these Files You have To Install usb drivers for your device and here you can download

Read How To Boot Edl Mode in Redmi K20 And Redmi K20 Pro

And as usual, the new devices are added to Xiaomi Firmware Updater, MIUI Updates Tracker, and Chatbot!

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