Pack&Unpack Android Device system Images Using Android Image Kitchen

Pack&Unpack Android Device system Images Using Android Image Kitchen

Pack&Unpack Android Device system Images Using Android Image Kitchen

What Is Android Image Kitchen
android image kitchen is tool which is used to modify, patch and unpack and repack android device system booot and recovery images you can use it easily

if you want edit text files in your image files then you can use android image kitchen this app can export image,binary, and big text files to local storage location and you can edit them with ordinary text file reader like windows notepade or notepad++ or any .txt file editor and after that you can reexport then to original location by giving super permision (root). use any custom recovery or u can use apps like flashify or twrp or any root file manager that u can use easily.

we are patching or modifying boot image for redmi note 8 pro to make it usable for or installed Custom recovery which is twrp custom recovery.

This is done for Kenzo images file which had the same ordeal with Begonia. remember one thing, boot.img file is unique for every rom which is installed in your device. we are explaining boot.img of the current Rom installed on the device. plaese don't use it on other rom may be diffrent.

Steps to modify Images

  • 1st Dowsnload tool called android image kitchen and extract it using winrar.
  • Now Download kenzo image file and also extract this. and find boot image in your installed rom and copy to the android image kitchen tool folder.
Pack&Unpack Android Device system Images Using Android Image Kitchen
  • right click on boot,img file and move it into unpackimg.bat file and start with Run to create ramdisk u can see in image.
Pack&Unpack Android Device system Images Using Android Image Kitchen
Pack&Unpack Android Device system Images Using Android Image Kitchen
Pack&Unpack Android Device system Images Using Android Image Kitchen
Pack&Unpack Android Device system Images Using Android Image Kitchen
Pack&Unpack Android Device system Images Using Android Image Kitchen

  • Now go into ramdisk location and find fstab.qcom file. see i image.

Pack&Unpack Android Device system Images Using Android Image Kitchen

  • open any text editor u want to open fstab.qcom and now use the ctrl+f command to find (verify) and delete it from this file. and save this file see in image.
Pack&Unpack Android Device system Images Using Android Image Kitchen
  • and now repack the patched boot.img file which we just created click and rum on repackimg.bat file. and this will create new boot.img file file. just like (image-new.img). see in image below.
Pack&Unpack Android Device system Images Using Android Image Kitchen
Pack&Unpack Android Device system Images Using Android Image Kitchen
Pack&Unpack Android Device system Images Using Android Image Kitchen
  • and that's all as you can see we ended up with new boot.img file you can use this you can use method for your need
you have to do it on your own risk we wont take any responsibility for any damages of your devices if you make any mistakes or not.
